Domination and the Arts of Resistance Hidden Transcripts Summary

I just got my reading list for the side by side ii weeks of my Theory and Interpretation in Archaeology course.

Ability, Authority & Domination
Brumfiel, E. 1998. Factional competition in complex society. In D. Miller, Thousand. Rowlands, and C. Tilley
(eds.). Domination and Resistance. London: Unwin Hyman: 127‐137.
Meskell,  50.  2001.  Archaeologies  of  identity.  In  I.  Hodder  (ed.).  Archaeological  Theory  Today.
Cambridge: Polity Press, 187‐213.
Miller,  D.  and  Tilley,  C.  1984.  Ideology,  power  and  prehistory:  an  introduction.  In  D.  Miller  and  C.
Tilley  (eds.).  Ideology,  Power  and  Prehistory.  Cambridge:  Cambridge  University  Press.  (encounter
as well other capacity in this volume)
Wolf, E. 1990. Facing Ability. American Anthropologist 92: 586‐596.

Credo and Legitimacy
Eagleton,  T.  1996.  Ideology:  An  Introduction.  London:  Longman.  (specially  Chapter  ane:  What  is
DeMarrais,  E.  Castillo,  L.J.,  and  Earle,  T.  1996.  Credo,  Materialization,  and  Power  Strategies.
Current Anthropology 37: 15‐31.
Johnson, M. 2010 (2nd edition) Archaeological Theory: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. (Chapter
half dozen: Thoughts and Ideologies)
Richards,  J.  and  van  Buren,  M.  (eds.).  2000.  Order,  Legitimacy  and,  Wealth  in  Ancient  States.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Printing. (see especially Chapter 2).
McGuire, R.H. 1992 A Marxist archeology. London: Academic Press. (Chapters iv and 5)
Scott,  J.C.  1990  Domination  and  the  Arts  of  Resistance  –  Subconscious  Transcripts.  New  Have:  Yale
University Press. (Chapter 4)

Domination and Resistance
Given, M. 2004 The Archeology of the Colonized. London: Routledge.
Miller,  D.,  Rowlands,  Thou.  and  Tilley,  C.  (eds.).  1989.  Domination  and  Resistance.  London:  Unwin
Hyman. (peculiarly capacity ane and 2).
McGuire, R.H. and Paynter, R. (eds.). 1991. The Archaeology of Inequality. Oxford: Blackwell.
Paynter,  R.  1989.  The  archeology  of  equality  and  inequality.  Annual  Review  of  Anthropology  xviii:
Scott,  J.C.  1990  Domination  and  the  Arts  of  Resistance  –  Hidden  Transcripts.  New  Have:  Yale
University Press. (Chapter 2)

With the following case studies.

Lecture one: Power, Authority and Domination
Expressions of royal power in aboriginal Mesopotamia:
Dickson,  B.D.  2006.  Public  transcripts  expressed  in  theatres  of  cruelty:  the  Royal  Graves  at  Ur  in
Mesopotamia. Cambridge Archaeological Periodical xvi(2): 123‐44.

The Regal Roman landscape:
Given, M. 2004 The Archaeology of the Colonized. London: Routledge. (Chapter four: The Settlement of

Urban planning in the US:
Leone, One thousand.P. and Bustle, S.D. 1998. Seeing: The power of town planning in the Chesapeake. Journal of
Historical Archeology 32(four): 34‐62.

Lecture 2: Ideology and Legitimacy
Ideology in ancient Near Eastern sculptures:
Ross,  J.C.  2005.  Representations,  Reality,  and  Ideology.  In  South.  Pollock  and  R.  Bernbeck  (ed.).
Archaeologies of the Centre East: Critical Perspectives. London: Blackwell, 327‐350.

Credo and textiles in colonial Oceania:
Thomas, N. 2002. Colonizing cloth: interpreting the cloth culture of nineteenth‐century Oceania.
In C.L. Lyons and J.One thousand. Papadopoulos (eds.). The Archaeology of Colonialism. Los Angeles: Getty
Publications, 182‐199.

The William Paca Garden, Annapolis, Maryland:
Leone, G.P. 1984 'Interpreting ideology in historical archaeology: using the rules of perspective in
the William Paca garden in Annapolis, Maryland', in Tilley, C & Miller, D (eds) Ideology, ability
and prehistory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 25‐35. [this paper is also reprinted in
Orser, C Due east (ed.) 1996 Images of the Contempo By. California: Altamira, 371‐391]

Lecture 3: Resistance, Struggle and Negotiation
Mobility and resistance in Belatedly Statuary Age Anatolia:
Glatz,  C.  and  Matthews,  R.  2005.  Anthropology  of  a  frontier  zone:  Hittite‐Kaska  relations  in  Late
Bronze Age north‐cardinal Anatolia. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Inquiry 339:
47‐65. [online journal]

Farmer revolts in medieval India:
Morrison, K.D. 2001. Compulsion, resistance, and hierarchy: local processes and imperial strategies in
the  Vijayanagara  empire.  In  South.  Alcock,  T.North.  D'Altroy,  K.D.  Morrison  and  C.Thou.  Sinopoli  (eds.).
Empires: Perspectives from Archaeology and History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

Hidden activities and resistance:
Casella,  Due east.C.  2001.  Landscapes  of  punishment  and  resistance:  A  female  convict  settlement  in
Tasmania, Australia. In B. Bender and 1000. Winer (eds.). Contested Landscapes: Movement, Exile
and Identify. Oxford: Berg, 103‐120.

Plus reading

Brumfiel, E. 1998. Huitzilopochtli'due south conquest: Aztec ideology in the archaeological record. Cambridge
Archaeological Journal eight(one): 3‐13.

Joyce, A.A., Bustamante, L.A. and Levine, M.Due north. 2001. Commoner power: A instance study from the Archetype
Period collapse on the Oaxaca declension. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 8(4): 343‐385.

For a seminar on negotiating social relationships.

Happy, this makes me it. 🙂


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